Monday, September 19, 2011

Harvest Monday Sept 19

It is harvest Monday at Dapne's Dandelions. Join in the fun!

I have been dragging this week and have not gotten out to the garden too much. The kids have had strep and  I have not felt much better. So, I only got a few things here and there. Whatever was necessary. I really need to get out there with a ladder and try to get to all the MWC's that I can't reach!  They come in by the bowl full when I feel like picking and digging for them through the bush! They are just coming out my ears. I think I am going to have to freeze them.
Dragon Tongue beans on the right and Taylor Dwarf bush on the left

Used these onions for Turkey Porcupines in Sunday night's dinner. Chard, fresh tomatoes (not canned per recipe), green onions, garlic,  dried basil and cilantro from the garden were all used in this meal.

The chard leaf in the back was just huge, I had to cut it. I added it in with some in the fridge and put it on pizza. I think the beans are coming near their end. They are looking pretty rough.

Tomatoes, beans, onion, pepper., and the raspberries are coming in about a handful every couple of days. They are yummy.


  1. You have a lovely harvest. Your tomatoes look very nice for this time of year. I like the annual garden pictures you have in the column. It's neat to see the way it has transformed over the years.

  2. I love beans in the first photo they look so tactile - are those for seed saving, eating now or drying?

  3. Very nice harvests! Those MWC are crazy aren't they? We enjoyed them's a lot of work though.

    Hope that everyone is feeling better!

  4. Sorry to hear you had strep in the house - hopefully everyone is on the mend and you can get some rest soon too.

    The garden produce rolled in this week despite your being so busy with other matters. The turkey porcupines sounds like it was yummy. :D

  5. Hope you and the kids feel better soon. The garden just doesn't wait when you can't get to it, don't you wish it had a "pause" button?

  6. What a lovely harvest! But please tell me, what is MWC? I got curious:)
    Take care,

  7. Hope you and the family feel better soon. Still a nice harvest and the MWCs are cranking. How many plants do you have? All this can't be from one.

  8. Jody, thank you.

    Liz, maybe some for seeds and some for drying.

    Robin and KitsapFG, and Michelle, thanks!

    Charlotta, Matt's Wild Cherry Tomato, sorry! ;)

    Dave, those are mostly from one plant! I have one tiny one that I have gotten maybe 10-20 tomatoes off of, but the majority are from one very large, very tangled, mess of a plant! I had two planted there, but something dug one up at seedling stage, good thing, huh!

  9. Hope you all feel better soon! Strep sucks! Nice harvests, though! It's amazing how the garden just keeps producing, regardless of what the humans are doing, ha? ;-)

  10. Oh dear, hope you all get well soon. There's nothing worse than staring blankly out the window when your mind wants to be out gardening, but your body just won't let you!!! A lovely harvest, too.
