Friday, April 17, 2020

Spring 2020

I haven’t posted here in a while. I’ve mostly been on Instagram where I can interact with other gardeners more easily. So if you and your garden are there, please connect with me! @shawnannshomeandgarden 
I enjoy the interaction!

Lettuce is going strong. Spinach is playing catch up.

Sweet potato slips are ready and waiting for the right temperatures. 

Cherries were looking really nice a few days ago (this pic),but we have had freezing temps and hope that we will still get some. They don’t look as well. 

Bluebird couple has been around for a few months now and they have eggs and are on full guard now! 

We have hatched more than 15 black swallowtails! 

Took some cuttings from
The old yard (I asked permission)
Hoping they will propagate!