Monday, May 21, 2018

Harvest Monday May 21, 2018

It is Harvest Monday over at Our Happy Acres.

 The garden is starting to produce more and more every day and I love it. It is so satisfying to begin harvesting what you started from seed.
I'm getting lots of greens right now, but we must enjoy them now because all the heat we are having will cause them to bolt rather quickly so they won't be around much longer. We have gotten some much needed rain though and the garden is thriving because of it!

Mix of lettuces, beet greens, Red Russian kale and spinach..


Trimmed up the basil so it can bush out more.

The first round of strawberries that I am sharing with the birds and bugs...though not by choice.  It's ok, I can cut around it. Just hope I get more than they do.

More Lettuce, kale, spinach and beet greens.

The second round of strawberries and a big batch of cilantro that will definitely be bolting soon. It is getting taller and taller which is a sure sign.
This is how I dry my herbs much of the time. Sometimes I use the dehydrator but this is just easier sometimes. They are reusable mesh produce bags.

We are still working on finishing up our fall harvest of sweet potatoes. This is a mix of Beauregard,  Jewel and All Purple. I usually like to cook them up with apples, we like the combination but I was out this time. I roasted these up. The purple sweet potatoes are much dryer than the orange varieties so I find it helpful to cook them with a fruit.

Happy Gardening! Have a great gardening week!


  1. Whoops, your link on Dave's blog leads to last week's post. I'm glad I found this one with your lovely greens, and herbs, and strawberries. That reminds me, I need to trim the mint and dehydrate it.

    1. oops I added my name again. Don't know how to remove the first one....

  2. Our greens are holding on in the heat but they aren't liking it much! I'm amazed you have basil already. I haven't even gotten mine in the ground yet! The purple and orange sweet potatoes are so pretty together. We often mix them up and bake them too. I'll have to try adding apples next time.

  3. Your strawberries and greens look amazing, and the roasted purple and orange sweet potatoes look like jewels. I'm afraid to plant strawberries because the birds and slugs would be all over that. We actually have wild strawberries in our lawn, but they're fairly seedy.

  4. Your greens look fantastic, and you have so many strawberries too. Quite envious as our first pick was three fruits! Love those little praying mantids. I don't think they would last five minutes round here as it is still very cool at night
