Monday, October 14, 2013

Harvest Monday 10/14/13

Here are some of my harvests from the week that got pictured for Harvest Monday at Daphne's Dandelions! I haven't been in on it lately because of the busyness of Cross Country with the kids, but I thought I had to get my sweet potato harvest in!
The rest of the beets were picked.

All Purple and Beauregard Sweet potoates

Muskue de Provence, beautiful isn't it! That is the best looking one so far!


  1. LOVE that huge pumpkin! and so perfectly uniform too. Beautiful peppers and tomatoes too.

  2. You are right: that is a very fine-looking squash!

  3. You have so fascinating harvest. I really enjoy to read and see your blog. I'm your new follower. Thank you for sharing. I invite you to visit my blog.
