Sunday, May 23, 2010
Harvested the Lettuce and Spinach and bean problems

Thursday, May 20, 2010
A weekly update
My daughter is salivating over the strawberries. I don’t believe I will be able to keep her away from them long enough to actually do something with them…
Bed 1, Peas, Lettuce, Chard, Spinach, Onions. I have had a few good sandwiches from this bed so far! My daughter sees all the pea pods on the plants and is sure they are ready…though they are still flat!
Some summer squash, cucumbers along the left side there have sprouted. There is one pepper plant in here with a couple of flat rocks around it.
The cabbage, broccoli and Cauliflower is looking good, except for what appears to be some slug damage on a couple.
The Bush Beans are coming up nicely. There are also two basil plants in the top right and bottom left corners.
The Tomato/Basil Bed…it’s gonna get crowded in here!
Yesterday I bought this Petite Monarda at a local nursery and when I took it out of the pot to plant it, found a Lowes tag on the inside! I feel quite ripped off, considering I probably would have only paid half as much for it if I bought it at Lowes. And, when you buy plants at a nursery, don’t you expect a little better quality of plant? Either way, I feel a bit jaded here! Well, I planted it anyways, and I hope it does well.
I do shop at Lowes, why wouldn’t I take advantage of my husbands discount. I get plenty of good plants from there, at cheap prices. But sometimes you just find things at a nursery that you can’t find at Lowes. My guess is, this plant was bought up last year at discount and some distributor sold it to the nursery. They just don’t have these flowers out at the box stores yet, cause they are not in bloom yet!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Planning ahead and looking back
We have done a lot of work cleaning up this back area, but haven’t really done much with it yet, behind the grass line, since we are still in the process of cleaning up large rocks and messes the previous homeowners made. We still need to jackhammer out a home made dam or something they built that is just a mess and makes a huge mess when it rains.
This is a look from our upstairs window into the back yard. The “dam” is right behind the shed along the side fence.
This is the sunniest side of the yard. There use to be grape and blackberry vines over here, but I wanted a vegetable garden. Not to worry, I didn’t just throw them away, I gave them to someone who wanted them and they transplanted them in their yard! They were not wasted!
This side of the yard is the shadiest. That whole clearing in the back was covered in Ivy, all the way down the side yard. I am starting to try to think of some shade plants that might look nice back here with less clutter. We have also trimmed back some trees. So maybe a little more will grow back their. And the neighbor has cut down a very large tree as well. It looks so much better and cleaner!
A Look back at the area when we first moved in…
The shed is in pretty rough shape and we think filled with ants nests, so it will be going soon as well. When we can get a new one. It won’t be in this spot though, cause all the waters run right under it. That corner needs a desperate clearing and cleaning!
This old tree house was rotten and in a terrible spot. When we get a new shed, it will probably go right about there. It is the driest spot back there when it rains.
All the Ivy.It was so deep you would not believe the things I found in this mess. Lots of rusty old broken yard ornaments. Bags, yes several bags, of topsoil, small garden fencing. Really nice edging bricks, rusty old broken toys, you name it!
You can see all the grape and blackberry vines in this picture. We had pulled this bridge out from the back and sold it. But this is about the spot where my vegetable garden is now.
So, now, I am trying to think of some pretty plants to gently fill the empty area behind the rock line. Maybe some ferns, Hosta, I read some Monarda is a bit tolerant of shade, so maybe in a partly shady spot. I’ll be looking for all sorts of ideas to make this area pretty! Maybe some shrubs. So, that is my next project, getting something done with that clearing in the back under the shade trees. First thing, need a dumpster to get rid of the rest of the rock, the shed, the dam and anything else cluttering up the yard! I’ve tried to use up some of the rock around flower beds and also put some on freecycle and craigslist, but it still seems to never be gone, there is so much! So, maybe a dumpster will get rid of it once and for all! This is definitely a slow work in progress.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Crazy Daisy and a Pink Girl
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Working on my first reupholster project
I have six of these dining chairs that not only do not match anything, but the kids and cats have destroyed them. So, I have decided to try to take on my first reupholstering project! Whew.
I cannot tell you how many staples were in this one chair! If you’ve done this before you probably know. It has taken me half the day to get them all out.
Here it is, all naked! And the only way Eli napped today, in the swing, next to me, hammering out staples! Crazy! Now, I need to start shopping!
I am only starting with one, just to make sure I can do it first. I hope I can remember how everything goes back together and the order. Either way, anything will look better than it did covered in milk, yogurt, oatmeal, spaghetti, you name it!
I am thinking some browns and tan colors. We’ll see what’s on sale! Maybe it will look like a whole new room when I am done!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Six Spotted Tiger Beetle

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Garden Additions. Baby Food. Pancakes.
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010
May Garden Update and a little baby food.
I am glad I haven’t had all the rain my mom has had down in the Nashville area. Whew, what a mess down there. We did get quite a bit of rain here for several days, and our white water river in the back yard was in full force, but we didn’t have any flooding problems close to us, although there is quite a bit in KY. Only a little of our mulch was washed away. Nothing like last year. If my mom sends me any photos of the flooding I will post them.
A little progress in the gardens…
This is the Dynamite Crape Myrtle that was replaced and planted in the Fall. Sadly, the top did not survive the winter.
But a few small stems are beginning to poke out. I am so glad, but I wonder how long it will take it to get large again. And hopefully I can take good enough care of it to help it make it through future winters.
I found a Maple seedling of a red kind in the yard and decided to save it. Not sure exactly what kind it is, so I will have to find out. There is another out there I might save as well. Who knows, by the time they are big enough to plant, we could be in a new house by then….which will be a few years.
This is one of my front flower beds, I planted the Patriot and Francee Plantain Lily Hosta’s along with some red and white impatiens. It will look beautiful later in the summer!
The first veg bed is looking quite good. The flowers are budding on the peas. I need to dig into some of that lettuce and stuff! Maybe I’ll have some on my burger tonight!
I planted this Oregano plant last year and it looks so nice this year. It is a beautiful plant. Hope it doesn’t take over my sfg!
The Weigela on the left is in full bloom and gorgeous. I keep trying to propagate it but have not been successful yet! And on the right is the white Crape Myrtle that we transplanted in the fall. It has come back beautifully! I think I need to start shaping it the way I want it though. I also transplanted the lighter pink Azalea in the middle and it looks quite nice. There are some Day Lilies planted in there and I am gonna plant some Blue Fescue in there too.
This is my Clematis, it is doing great. I think I need to cut it way back before new growth though so it will look better.
I planted my Snowhill Salvia right in the back middle there with the Hosta’s and red and white impatiens.
And I made an ice cube batch of Sweet Potato Apple Sauce for the baby. He LOVED it! Wish I had those from the garden, but, no. I haven’t ventured that far yet.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Soy free and Dairy free Birthday cake…
This is my first cake I have ever made like this, and boy was it hard work! I started out with this mix I found at Meijers. Yes, from a box. There’s just too much to do! It doesn’t have any dairy or soy in it and the recipe calls for butter and I just used Earth’s Balance dairy/soy free spread. I made one last week just to test it and it tasted great. Hope this one does too.
So, my twins birthday is tomorrow, and we decided to buy the princess cake but I just had to have at least one cake that I could eat from so I made the McQueen cake. My friend came over to help me get it started and make sure I knew what I was doing…she has taken a cake decorating class! Thank goodness, cause I might have been totally lost!
And since making the icing myself so that it was dairy/soy free, I think I made it too thick and it was very hard piping this on! I thought I would never finish! The veins were popping out of my arms…
It didn’t turn out perfect, but it is good enough for me, and I am sure my little birthday boy will love it!
For my Butter Cream icing, I started out with 5 1/4 cups of powdered sugar,1/2 cup Earths Balance dairy/soy free, 3 tbs of rice milk, and 2 tsp of vanilla. I have used coconut milk before as well and it is quite good too!
Well the birthday party is tomorrow, and it is suppose to rain all day. Boo! We were going to have it outside, but I guess we will have to move it in unless it clears up in time for our party. But it may still be too wet! We did all our garden work in order to have it looking nice before the party and rain! We would have done it anyways, but we may not of worked ourselves so hard in such a short time! But it looks so nice, I want to show it off!