The Dragon Tongue beans are still coming in strong, I have plenty more this week to be frozen. Raspberries are still doing well. I am afraid that my kids are getting tired of the raspberries and cherry tomatoes though. I have given away two boxes of cherry tomatoes and it is looking like there might be more!
The small sweet pepper plants are looking quite sick. They might not be around much longer sadly, because these are a favorite of my kids! Great for packing in lunches! |
The first Cherokee Purple of my season! Yay! That would be the first tomato other than an Early Girl or cherry tomato for me! In September! |
Needed a little lettuce for some BLT's, I have one head out there. It has been so hot and dry I can't get any going! |
A few carrots. My daughter says the orange ones are much better than the red ones. They get bitter after chewing on them a minute. Definitely need some cooler weather for some sweetness! |
My first "Great White"! This is the one I thought this was going to be a Brandywine, I didn't know the Great White got this big, so when it started turning lighter instead of more red I looked it up. I guess "great" should have given it away! This big boy is 1 lb, 3 1/4 oz. And there are several more out there that hopefully will make it before frost. |
I also have an unknown tomato plant growing out there. The tomatoes are smaller than the Early girl and bigger than Cherry. The one in the front center. The only tomato I had last year that size may have been the Stupice, but it was in a different bed. It is definitely not a Celebrity which was in the bed this came out of. |
This has been a much better week for tomatoes! I planted very late, and I expected this, so I am happy to be getting some finally after looking at everyone else's loads of tomatoes and being super jealous. I will NOT get behind next year!
Happy Harvesting!