Thursday, April 22, 2010

Red, Red, Red...I Love Red!

We worked on the flower beds in the dark...when else do you garden with two 4 yr olds and a baby! Although I did leave the kids with DH long enough to go flower shopping. And I picked all kinds of red! I just love red! I got 3 red Dahlia's, look at them aren't they pretty they are kind of bi-colored! I got 2 Girard's Rose Azalea's (correction, not red, but a dark pink, we'll see how they go!), 2 Fire Star Dianthus, Pomegranite Yarrow, 2 green and white Hosta's, and 2 Snow White Salvia's. I will probably get a little white in there somewhere.
I think I will put the Dianthus here, but I think it needs a couple more. I hope the red will go with the yellow Moon Beam Coreopsis. And I put the Azalea right there on the corner.
The other Azalea will go on this corner. I planted the Dahlia's along the front there in front of the Lily's which are also RED! I had to move the Blue Fescue in the cups there a bit forward to make room for the Azalea.
I think I am gonna have to move that light Pink Azalea somewhere else and get another darker Azalea! It just doesn't fit. Now, where to put the pink one! Maybe by the Weigela!
We got several of them planted tonight, in the dark of course! And then it is suppose to rain all day tomorrow! Boo! Well, probably good for the newly planted flowers, but bad that I can't get more done! I have been mulching all day too, when the baby allowed me to.
The hosta's I think I will plant in the front. And the White Salvia on the side. I wanted to get some red and white impatiens for the front as well, but do you believe they didn't have any! Crazy! Only pink! Uhg! I like pink things too, just not impatiens. Tomorrow is a plant sale at the local catholic school. Maybe if I have time I will check it out. 
I really wanted to get more Perennials this year to cut back on all the flower buying and planting. Just to make it a little easier. I think I scored pretty good! I can't wait to see how everything turns out over time.

An update on the birds nest. I think that the momma has abandoned the nest by the back door. We just go in and out so much, it was probably too much for her. I'll have to watch and see. The one in the front seems ok so far, even as close as it is to the garage door.

Oh, and Happy Earth Day

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