Thursday, March 11, 2010

Signs of Spring!

The Daffodils are beginning to peak out of the ground and a few crocus flowers are randomly popping up around the yard. Beautiful signs of spring!
A few days ago, we invited our friends over for a play date and we planted seeds! I love that companies put these Sesame Street and Veggie Tales seed packets together! It really adds to the kids enjoyment and interest in planting a garden. They love it! They keep asking me if the seeds are coming up yet! Cute. My only problem is, once we get stuff planted it is difficult to keep them OUT of the garden when they just need to leave it alone and let it grow!
We had a Beautiful weekend to get out in the yard and do a little clean up. The kids enjoyed helping! They are mushing the leaves down!

And here is what has been taking up most of my time lately!

He is growing fast and big! He now about 17 lbs! 26 1/2 inches. And such a cutie!


  1. Oh my goodness! Little Eli has grown like a garden weed :-) He is adorable.

  2. Ya, but garden weeds...bad! Baby Eli...Good! :)

  3. Oh my goodness, he's huge! I can't believe that much time has gone by.

  4. Ribbit-yes he is, just like his daddy! And big bro. And ya, he is 4 1/2 mo's.
