The 2014 garden is finally all planted! Now to keep the critters out ;)
I have 2 large Herb pots this year with Lavender, Rosemary, Pineapple sage, purple basil, parsley, thyme and oregano. |
My herb pots completely died this winter, it was just too rough for them. I lost my oregano, thyme and rosemary.
Corn, beans, winter squash, watermelon and cantaloupe. The squash are Musque de Provence and Pennsylvania Dutch long-neck pumpkin. |
Potato bed, with a few other things mixed in. Peas on the edges. Potatoes include all blue and cranberry red. |
Pepper bed, peas on the edge, some spinach that will be gone once the heat kicks in, garlic, onions and carrots planted among the peppers. There are 14 pepper plants including Chocolate bell, Marconi, Lipstick, Golden star Bell, and Serrano. |
Tomato bed with garlic, onions and carrots planted among them. There are 7 tomato plants in this bed, but I had so many extra I have some scattered around here and there with a total of 17. Hmmm. Hope this gives me more sauce and salsa this year! They include Radiator Charlies Mortgage lifter, Great White, White Currant, Tess's Land Race Currant, Cherokee Purple, Hungarian Italian Paste, Pink Brandywine, Japanese Trifele Black, and Black Krim. |
Cucumber, both pickle and slicing, along the trellis and a black beauty zucchini, lungo bianco zucchini, and a white scallop squash. Onions around the edges. |
The second year for my asparagus. Glad it made it through the rough winter and all looks good. |
Sweet potato bed, 30 plants! These are All Purple. |
More corn, beans, squash, AKA Three Sisters planting. I planted 216 corn, Ruby Queen, Blue Hopi and Blue Clarage. |
View of the East garden. |
Cleaning up and planting this back area of the yard behind an eroded ditch. It has looked pretty rough the past few years with only weeds and bare spots, but we planted some nice shade perennials and some shade grass and it is looking greatly improved. Still a lot of work to go though to fix the ditch and other spots. |
Blueberries and strawberries are full! I can't wait to munch on them. Need to get them covered soon before the critters get to them! Especially that darn chipmunk! |
Look at all those blueberries! This plant is the most productive looking so far. |
By June the garden should be all lush and green and all filled in! I'll be sure to update!
I also have so many extra tomato plants I could have a sale! I foolishly added more seeds to the pots when the wouldn't germinate in the cold winter months and now I am shamelessly seeking out any friends that might take some along with all my other extras. Even asking people to start a garden! What could be wrong with that!? My neighbors have finally started a garden and I have completely filled their bed with my overabundance of starts! Better to have too many than not enough!
I sent my cousin in Virginia several of my sweet potato slips. I should have sent him more, cause I still have an abundance. Who knew the left over taters would supply such and abundance!
Well, Happy Gardening I hope your garden is off to a great spring start!